Upcycling, also called "surcyclage" in French, involves recovering parts such as fabrics to transform them into a new entity. Unlike traditional recycling, upcycling aims to provide added value to the original product, by creating something new from the old!

At Pivoine Signature , upcycling is at the heart of our identity. The brand was founded on this idea of ​​giving a second life to forgotten fabrics, in order to minimize the production of new textile waste.

the textile industry is designated as the second most polluting globally. Clothing manufacturing uses significant amounts of water, uses numerous chemicals and pesticides, and emits greenhouse gases. In a context where environmental concerns take a prominent place in the textile sector, upcycling presents itself as a promising alternative allowing:

  • A significant reduction in CO2 emissions.
  • A drastic reduction in water consumption associated with the creation of clothing.
  • A reduction in unsold inventory that otherwise risks being incinerated.
  • Recycling old clothes.
  • A limitation on the use of chemicals and pesticides.